01 May #MakingOverMotherhood Challenge
May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness month. This is a time where we focus on increasing the awareness of mental health for mothers during pregnancy and after birth. To raise awareness for Maternal Mental Health, the blue dot project created the #MakingOverMotherhood challenge.
Motherhood is not black and white. We all know this. Over the course of 5-days, mothers all over the world can participate in this challenge. They are invited to show what #realmotherhood looks like – what people may not see through social media. After last year, when many mothers were tasked with teaching and working from home, this is an opportunity to show more of what motherhood is, rather than what people assume it to be.
The challenge from The Blue Dot Project begins May 3rd through May 7th. It is a 5-day challenge where you utilize different hashtags and images to bring awareness to what motherhood looks like to you!
During the #MMHWeek2020 more than 35 million people came across the #MakingOverMotherhood Challenge! You can join this challenge by simply signing up here.